Love is a Fractal
You heard Tofu right, he tells no lies!
You heard Tofu right, he tells no lies!
It’s easy to despair with all of the terrible news and the very serious warnings from the planet itself, but there are human beings leading the way toward new strategies for living symbiotically with nature. Some of these strategies are being implemented at industrial scale, while others are doing their part in their local community.
“What I am interested in is that moment of transcendence, where one is transported into another place, into a perfect, still world.“ -Gregory Crewdson The scenes are laborious to capture, but one glance and you are captive to the questions provoked by the details. 1,000 stories spring to mind, but the more you look the […]
Do you really want to know how unnecessarily bad traffic flow in North America actually is? I discovered there’s a name for the thing I loathe, THE STROAD. As we go about rebuilding infrastructure we should take a minute to reflect on the intended and unintended consequences of the highways system so we can do […]
In honor of Bicycle Day and the work of Albert Hofmann Trippin Thru Town is a video art series inspired by his unexpected ride. The NFT space is flooded with lazy style transfer pieces, but I’m still fascinated by what these deep learning applications can generate, particularly with a little coaching and encouragement. For this […]
I’ve spent the last year exploring ways to engage people’s interest in archival and historical footage. One of the methods that emerged that I love to play with is neural filters or style transfer. There are a wide variety of deep learning tools available to create these images, some barely out of the lab while […]
After watching some of the Corridor Crew‘s experiments with improving fx footage in classic tent pole movies I wondered if we could use Deepfakes to cross the uncanny valley with real time rendering of metahumans and computer generated avatars. Presently face replacement algorithms still take a bit of processing power but one day soon they […]
Below our feet in the old growth forests, a vast Internet composed of roots and mycelial fibers connects a community of life forms that regulate and sustain life. Much like electromagnetic waves a few hundred years ago, we’ve just discovered this aspect of nature. The implications for biology and computer science are intriguing.